Thanks to YOU
January 23, 2025

We want to thank you for your support in making 2024 our best year ever!
We also celebrated CLICK's 20th anniversary in 2024 - 20 years of steady growth because you cared about our mission of helping Vancouver children and youth living in poverty.
The dynamic, all-volunteer CLICK team raised a record amount of funds in 2024. This meant we were able to disburse $198,000 to 68 grassroots programs, improving the lives of more than 10,000 children and youth in our city. These programs provide safe and stimulating out-of-school care, and activities and opportunities to acquire valuable skills. Kids from working poor families simply wouldn't have access to this life-changing support - so thank you for helping CLICK make this difference.
Your Support Meant Hungry Kids Had Food
With the ongoing serious food security crisis in Vancouver, virtually all of the CLICK-funded programs are also feeding hungry kids. And in December CLICK once again distributed grocery gift cards to 26 schools for principals to give to working poor parents - making the holiday season so much happier for these families. The principals told CLICK how deeply grateful they were to be able to give this help to families in need and how grateful the families were for the help.
So however you supported CLICK in 2024 - by coming to one of our fundraisers or responding to our call for support via email - know that you have definitely made vulnerable young lives in your city better. And rest assured the CLICK team will be working as hard as ever for our kids throughout 2025.
Many thanks again, and wishing you a very happy and healthy 2025...
On behalf of the whole CLICK team, thanks for Helping CLICK Help Kids!