Quite simply, CLICK started with the meeting of two individuals. In 2001, Catherine Atyeo heard a teacher from an inner city school, Alva Jenson, speak about the serious needs of her young students. Catherine was especially touched by the story of a young kindergarten student whom Alva found crying in the hallway one Monday morning. When Alva asked what was wrong, the student told her he was hungry – that he hadn’t eaten since Friday. Catherine approached Alva and they talked about forming a community foundation to help inner city children and youth. The two co-founders then brought together concerned citizens, including inner city educators, to begin developing CLICK’s mission and objectives.

CLICK’s founders researched key organizations to ensure that CLICK would not be duplicating existing efforts. It was determined that CLICK could fill a critical niche as a fundraising organization supporting community-run programs that have few resources to fundraise for themselves. These programs make a vital, daily difference in the lives of vulnerable children and youth. CLICK was officially launched in March, 2004 at Britannia Community Centre in the heart of the inner city. In December 2004, CLICK directed its first grants to programs that focused on inner city children. In April 2005, CLICK spearheaded the first Inner City Kids Week in Vancouver, which has continued to be declared annually by Vancouver’s mayor. By the fall of 2006 CLICK had granted nearly $40,000 to inner city programs.
To date CLICK has directed over $1-million to some 700 grassroots programs. These programs provide much-needed food for hungry kids, safe out-of-school care, literacy support as well as access to sports, camps, the arts and more for Vancouver’s neediest children. CLICK remains a totally volunteer-run charity, which means most of any donation goes to help children in need.
By giving to CLICK, you’re not only helping thousands of children and youth fulfill their dreams and goals, and get a shot a success - you’re making Vancouver a better city.